Summer League Rules

 -- RULES: USA (ASA) Rule book used unless stated below Fall League Rules – all summer rules apply unless there is a fall lg. note during or below that rule. League rules can be modified at any time for clarification or to improve them. 


1- League Managers are responsible for picking up softballs, roster waiver forms, and sign payment agreement and any other league information; that includes for the playoffs. Managers must attend one of the preseason league meetings or meet with league president or their team is not in the league, (if you do not attend the preseason meeting than all money except initial deposit will be returned). Once season starts no money is refundable. Managers are also responsible for returning all required paper work on time (Rosters – Waivers etc.). Managers must also report all results to league office win or lose with the score and opponents pitchers names, call within 2 hours of game conclusion (845-406-4529). Managers must also report all incidents of players being ejected from the game or players getting in physical confrontation with an ump, fan or another player. If a manager does not report this within 48 hours they are suspended for a game and that suspension increases a game for each 24 hours over the first 48 that the incident has not been reported. Note – If you can not attend preseason meetings you can not be manager If you do not call in results on time you can not be manager If you can not pick up or return paper work on time you can not be manager In all cases a team will need to pick a new manager 

2- When teams call in results they must also call in the name of any pitcher that pitched at least one inning against them in that game. You must also write the name of all pitchers that pitched at least one inning against you in your score book on that games page. If teams do not call in the opposing pitchers names in at least 70% of their games the team that did not call in the opposing pitchers will not be allowed in the playoffs. If that team can show the league that they have kept the opposing teams pitchers in their score book then their team will be reinstated for the playoffs. Losing your score book is not an excuse for not being able to produce the records so call in the pitchers names with game results. 

3- League fees must be paid on time otherwise your next games are canceled and forfeited, until payment is received (Payment dates are given out with applications for the league) it takes at least 72 hours to get your schedule started again. Games lost for late payment will not be made up. If a team drops out or is kicked out of the league for any reason no money is refundable. No teams can play in the playoffs if forfeit fees or any other outstanding fees are not paid in full. Any fees not paid are still owed by the Manager and assistant manager and they (the manager and assistant manager) will be suspended from all ASA softball until after they have paid the owed fees. If any payments are later than a week after the last due date there is a $50 Late fee. The league will try to have a payment agreement form but If a manager does not sign or pick up the payment agreement the payment dates and late fees still apply. Note – If you can not make payments on time you can not be manager In this case a team will need to pick a new manager. 

4- Communicating: Managers must communicate in a timely fashion otherwise the league needs a new manager to communicate with. When you receive a call, e-mail or text you must get back to the league official within 36 hours. Sometimes the league needs to make a decision on playoffs or rain outs within a few hours and answering a call, e-mail, or text fast may help your team get a schedule or make ups that are better for your team. If there is no response in a timely fashion more than once you may have to provide a new manager to stay in the league. 

5- Umpires fees are paid by the teams at the field (2 Umps) $65/ump/team including all playoff games. If only one ump shows – each team pays $98. When an ump shows up late he gets full fee if the ump shows before the 4th inning is over, otherwise the ump gets $10 per inning including a full $10 for a partial inning. 

6- Matching shirts – teams must have matching shirts (like in color) by May 6 (in the fall after the first week) – If a player is not wearing a matching shirt the team starts with an out in their first at bat. For ever player without a matching shirt the team gets an out – That means if 9 players do not have matching shirts the first time you get to bat is the forth inning. 

7– Cursing Rule – every time a player curses that team gets an out. If they are in the field the next time that team comes to bat it starts with an out. 

8- FORFEITS – If a team forfeits they must pay both Umps ($65 each ump per game forfeited). Forfeit Time is 15 minutes after game time, on Sundays if you have a doubleheader the first game is forfeit 15 minutes after game time and the second game becomes a forfeit 15 minutes after the first game became a forfeit. You must pay the Umps before you can play another game. Thus on Sunday Morning if you forfeit your first game you can not play the second game until the forfeiting team has paid both umps for the first (Forfeited) game. If you fail to pay the umps at the field you must bring the money to me within 48 hours or before your next game whichever comes first otherwise you future game are canceled until 72 hours after you have paid. Also if you forfeit a game the manager and assistant manager must sit out your first playoff game. The manager and assistant manager must sit out a playoff game for every game you forfeit starting with you first playoff game. If this brings you down below the amount of players you need to start a playoff game you are out of the playoffs. Also teams can not play in the playoffs if they have forfeited a certain amount of games – If you forfeit 5 or more games on Sunday Morning you can not play in the playoffs – If you forfeit 3 or more games in the weeknight league your team can not play in the playoffs. 

9- Canceling games – managers can only cancel games with the league president; if you must cancel a game it is a forfeit and if you do not cancel at least 48 hours in advance the umps still get paid. Thus if you cancel a game less than 48 hours ahead of the game time you forfeit and must pay both umps ($65 per game per ump). If you cancel over 48 hours ahead of game time it is still a forfeit but you do not need to pay the umps. For every forfeit the manager and assistant manager must sit a playoff game. 

10- The Waiver and Roster form will also be used as a Roster (for playoff eligibility etc.). It must be filled out correctly and returned by April 30; (fall ball roster-waiver form returned by Sept. 22). You can add or subtract players; hand in a second Waiver form up to June 1st (Fall ball – Up to Oct 1st) Any player not on this form is not eligible for the playoffs. No player can take the field; play for a team without having signed the Waiver-Roster form. After June 1st (summer league) or Oct 1st(fall league) players can still be added to play regular season games, they must still sign the roster-waiver form but these players that sign up after these dates are not eligible for the playoffs. 

11- Rosters – An Initial roster of at least 10 players must be handed in when you pick up your initial paper work and softballs. This is not an official Roster until you hand in the Waiver-Roster formed signed by the players. The Roster-Waiver form must be handed in within two weeks after your first game. Player can be added after June 1st but are not eligible for the playoffs. They still must sign the Waiver-Roster form. Any player that plays for a team after June 1, that manager must inform the league as soon as possible. Any one not signed on the Waiver-Roster form is not on the roster and is not a part of your team. You can alter, add to or subtract from, change the order of your players (by phone call) listed on the roster up until June 1st (Fall ball to Oct. 1st). After June 1st (Fall – Oct. 1st) your roster is frozen and only the first 16 listed on the final roster or the 16 you have designated by June 1st (Fall ball – Oct 1st) are eligible for the playoffs. In the spring-summer leagues players can only be on one roster and can play for only one team in any one league. If a player plays for another team (The second team he played on forfeits that game) he is suspended for 2 weeks starting as soon as league officials find out. If a manager knowingly uses a player on another team’s roster his team forfeits that game and he is suspended for two playoff games. If a team uses a player from another team’s roster a second time that team is not allowed to play in the playoffs. A player can switch teams if they get permission from the league, the first team they played for and there new team; also that player must do this before June 1. After June 1 Playoff Rosters are frozen. Rosters must be filled out on the Roster-Waiver Form with proper signatures by the appropriate date. (In 2020 coronavirus season, like above you must hand in the roster-waiver form within two weeks of your first game, additional roster-waiver forms can be handed in with players eligible for playoffs up to 30 percent of your season is done, after that you can add players but they would not be eligible for your teams playoff games. Any Players not listed and signed on the roster-waiver form can not play in the playoffs). 

12- If a player is thrown out of a game for any reason they cannot play in that teams next game. If a player in thrown out of a second game the same season that player is not allowed to play in that teams next three games. If a player is ejected a third time during the same season that player is out of the league for the rest of that season. this player is an illegal player for the games he is not suppose to play in and if he plays his team forfeits that game. These games that must be sat out are not suspensions they are just part of the league rules. If they were ejected for physically touching an ump, a fan or another player they are suspended until we can have the proper hearing. This hearing will take place within 20 days of the incident being reported to the league office. Also if a player acts in such a manor that is inappropriate (verbally or physically) toward a league official, umpire, any manager, other players or fans he and his manager are subject to suspension by the league commissionaire. Managers are responsible for their players’ behavior, and their team can forfeit games or be kicked out of the league because of a players actions (what constitutes bad behavior is decided by the league president). Suspensions can be appealed to a sportsmanship committee. See rule 11 

13- Sportsmanship – If a player, manager, coach, or anyone else associated with the team acts in an unsportsmanlike manor they are subject to suspension. What constitutes unsportsmanlike conduct is completely up to the commissioner and any discipline is up to the league commissioner. Any suspension or other disciplinary action taken by the commissioner can be appealed at a sportsmanship committee hearing. Any team request for a hearing must take place within 48 hours of being notified of disciplinary action. The hearing will be within 20 days of the request. The committee will be made up of two Umpire members, two league players (the league players can not come from any team that was involved in the incident or are on any other team that the people involved in the incident are a part of) and the league commissioner. If the incident and or appeal and or hearing come near the end of the season or during the playoffs; the playoff can not be restarted or replayed in any form so if a team was suspended or kicked out of the league at this time the only compensation they can get is a reduced fee next season, being any amount from $0 up to $400 whatever is deemed appropriate by the committee. 

14- A team can start, continue and finish with 8 players – the ninth spot is an automatic out. Once the 9th & 10th player shows up they can enter the game immediately. If an 11th, 12th, etc. player show up late they can only enter the game as a substitute. 

15- Playoff Eligibility – All players must play in at least 5 of your games to be eligible for the playoffs. Players that play in 5 games to 40% of the team’s regular season games can only play every other playoff game, and players that play in at least 40% of their team’s regular season games can play in all playoff games. Injured players can get credit for missed games (1 game credit for every 2 games missed) if injury is reported to league at time of injury or before season starts Whatever applies; but remember that player must be listed as one of your 

16- eligible playoff players on your roster thus taking a playoff spot. Pitchers will have slightly different rules for playoff eligibility. In order for pitchers to be eligible for every playoff game they must either pitch in at least 50% of their teams games, or pitch in at least 40% of team games and been at, at least 65% of their teams games or pitched at least 30% of team games and been at 75% of team games. Pitchers can pitch 1 of every 2 playoff games if they pitch 40 percent of there team games and attended at least 55 % of there team games or pitched at least 30 % of there team games and been at 65% of there team games or pitched in at least 20% of there team games and where at least 80% of there team games. Pitchers can pitch in 1 game of every 3 game series in the playoffs or if they have pitched in at least 40% of the teams games or pitched in 30% of there team games and been at 50% of there team games or pitched in at least 20% of your team games and been at 75% of your team games or pitched in at least 10% of your team games and been at 90% of there team games. Also No pitchers clocked at 58 MPH or higher can pitch in the A or B or C Playoffs and No pitchers that pitch illegal like slingshot pitching can pitch in the A or B or C playoffs. If pitchers do not meet these requirements and you have no pitchers eligible for the playoffs you must contact the league president and This rule will apply - (You must use a player on the roster that has never pitched anywhere and also he can not Sling (No Sling shot motion) no illegal motion of any kind so he must pitch strict modified with shoulders and hips staying basically straight towards home plate) then something will be worked out. 16- Home Team supplies the bases including home plate but both teams must bring there bases in case Home teams player with the bases does not make the game. We use the safety base at first base now, all teams must have the attached double base for first base. 

17- Each team supplies one ball per game – On Sunday Morning – 9 AM and 9:30 AM starts use Dudley’s – all other start times and all weeknight games you use Clincher softballs. Basically First game at a site use Dudley softball after that use Clincher softballs.

18- In the rule book we use the (Designated Player and the Extra Player) rule – both are used in all leagues even though they say fast pitch only and slow pitch only in the book. We are going to allow as many extra hitters as a team wants to use (as long as all players are there to start the game – see rule 10) but only one DP=DH. If a team bats extra players they must have that many batters throughout the game, If a player gets hurt or leaves and you have no sub that batting position becomes an automatic out. (Exp- if you start batting 14 you must finish batting 14. This rule is to allow more people to play and only hurts the team that uses it because their better hitters get to bat less). 

19- Rain outs – Mostly I will text the managers early Sunday Morning then if i can Notifications will be on the home page of the web-site and the league telephone. Call my cell telephone up to 1 hour before game time – after that the game is in the hands of the umpire. On Sundays decisions will be on the answer machine by 7:00 AM unless it starts raining after 7:00 AM. On Rain-days it is your obligation to call – we will not call you. Not all rain outs or cancellations will be made up – Sunday rain outs can only be made up if teams are willing to play on Saturday or weeknights. We will try to make up games but do not guarantee games will be made up – games canceled late in the season or teams that are inflexible, make it difficult. 

20– Make ups – Mostly on Sunday's we do not make up games, we just play until the end of the regular season then start playoffs, if a good match up was rained out it will probable be rescheduled before the season ends. They usually are made up during the season on days you regularly play but if during the season (like in the fall or late in the summer or fall season) if you, The Manager or Assistant Manager, give me a date you can make up or play extra games, and I schedule you a game on that date you can not later say that you can not make that game or games. If your team changes it mind after I have schedule the games and you can not play those games those games are forfeits and you must pay the league for any cost such as field permits or Umpires. 

21– During the regular season 4 innings (3.5 if home team is ahead) is an official game. If 4 innings (3.5 innings if home team is ahead) is not reached game does not count and is played over from the beginning. If more than 4 innings have been played and the game is tied it is suspended. In the playoff except for the mercy rule seven innings will be played and a game will be suspended at any point if stopped by rain or darkness or another problem. 

22- On the schedule – Home team is listed second, except The Sunday Morning League when it is a doubleheader each team is home once – if you fight over who is home first, flip for it. If it’s not a doubleheader in the Sun. Morn. Lg. – Home team will be listed.

23- 10 Run mercy rule (15 Run in Slow Pitch Lg.) applied after 5 Innings (4 1/2 – if home team ahead). Teams must have equal amount of at bats unless home team is winning. 

24- Courtesy runners – allowed with permission of the other team – the other team gets to pick the runner as long as it is not one of the next 5 batters. People that need runners should be pointed out before the game starts, unless a player gets hurt during the game. Use of a courtesy runner in a bunting and stealing league – the courtesy runner cannot steal or advance on a passed ball or wild pitch. A Courtesy runner in bunting and stealing on a pick off has to be tagged. 

25- Catchers must ware a catchers mask with a throat protector. 

26- No Metal Spikes. 

27– We play with 65’ bases, unless a field is not big enough to accommodate the 65’ distance, like at RCC where we play with 63’ bases. 

28- No Illegal Bats – No Titanium Bats – No bats that are Composite in the barrel part of the bat. if you use an illegal bat the bat is confiscated and returned at the end of the season and the team forfeits that game – If a team is caught a second time they forfeit that game and the next game – If a team is caught a third time they are out of the league. Bats on the ASA Illegal Bat list are not allowed in the league. 

29– Protest of Illegal Bats or Illegal Players (Illegal players = Players that have played for other teams in the league or are on another teams roster or in the playoffs have not played enough regular season games to qualify for the playoffs) These protest should be made before the game starts or as soon as the illegal player or illegal bat shows up so the team has the option of not using that bat or player (illegal bat - when is brought to the Umpires attention the team using the bat is given the option to take bat out of game if they do nothing else happens, if they continue to use that bat the ump and offended team take the make and model and give that information to the league president). The ump and protesting team should get that the players name or the bats make and model and after the game give this info to the league president within 18 hours. The protest will be handled from that point. In either case the least that will happen (if the protest is upheld is that game will be a forfeit; the team could also forfeit their next game players and managers could be suspended and a team could be out of the league) based on many factors like if the team has done this before. 

30- No Alcoholic beverages at games – That means no consuming of alcoholic beverages at the fields before, during or after the games on any part of the property that belongs to the school or municipality that gave us permission to use that field. This applies to players, managers, coaches and spectators. 

31- No windmill or sidearm or slingshot pitching allowed except Slingshot is allowed in the Top division only. We will have a Major and AA pitcher list. We only have Major pitching in the weeknight league, and Major pitchers should only pitch against other “Major designated” teams. All rated pitchers can not pitch below their rating level in the playoffs. 

32– Hit By Pitch – batter gets 1st base rule same as in rule book and baseball note – by rule if umps thinks pitch was at such a speed that the batter could have got out of the way of the pitch and batter made no attempt to get out of the way the ump can rule no hit by pitch

33- Playoffs – No Team can qualify for the top level of playoffs unless they have a regular season record above .500 – this does not mean any team above .500 qualifies for the Top level of playoffs. It also depends on your schedule, the amount of teams in the league*, and the amount of teams with above .500 records. No team can play below the top level of playoffs with a major rated pitcher. No Pitcher can pitch in playoffs rated below their rating. * If the amount of teams in the league are below 13, the Top playoffs may include teams with a .500 record. Also, No teams finishing in the top 4 spots with a .725 record or better can drop to the B Playoffs. In other words, if your team finishes in one of the top 4 spots with a .725 record or better, you can not play in playoffs below A. Also, if a team does not have a pitcher that is a B or C pitcher, that team can not play below the A playoffs.

34– Seeding for playoffs – Seeding is determined mostly by record. If a team ties another team the tie breakers are as follows 1 – Head to Head, 2 – what ever team wins two of the following three (Run differential against each other, better strength of schedule. run differential for the whole season) Exception – In the Weeknight League if there is a tie for first (Regular season Championship) or a tie for the last playoff spot in the top round of playoffs those teams will have a one game playoff. The Home team for one game playoff will be determined by the tie breakers as mentioned above. In Sunday Morning League we do not have time for extra playoffs so I try to match up teams that could end in a first place tie a second time at the end of the season. 

35– In game international tiebreaker rule is in effect after 7 innings during the regular season. In the playoffs we use the tiebreaker rule after 9 innings. 

36- The commissioner reserves the right to change the rules or add a rule if I have left a rule out or made a mistake. The commissioner has the right to make any ruling beneficial to the league or that he thinks make the league better or fairer at any time. 

37– If a player or team cheats in any way the team and player will receive a penalty. The team will receive some forfeits or if in playoff will be out of playoffs. The player will be suspended from all my leagues for at least 3 weeks. Player punishment for cheating 1st time suspended in all my leagues for 3 weeks; 2nd time suspended for 1 year; 3rd time out of my leagues forever. 

RULES THAT AFFECT THE PLAYOFFS: All teams will qualify for the playoffs in some capacity (except if you exceed the amount of forfeits your team is allowed (over 4 in the Sunday Morning League or over 2 in the Weeknight League) – there may be (depending on your league) a Major -AA – A – B – C & D divisions. The higher divisions will be playing for the overall championships and bigger awards, but each division will have some kind of championship. Seeding see Rule 34 - No Team can qualify for the top level of playoffs unless they have a regular season record above .500 – this does not mean any team above .500 qualifies for the top level of playoffs it will also depends on your schedule, the amount of teams in the league* and the amount of teams with above .500 records.* If a league has less than 12 teams the league may allow teams with a .500 record or below in the top playoffs. No team can play below the top level of playoffs with a major rated pitcher. Summer Weeknight League – generally the top 8 teams make the highest set of playoffs but you must have over a .500 record. Also if a team finishes within 1/2 a game of the last qualifying teams because of a different amount of games or an unbalanced schedule and has over a .500 record those teams will be involved in play-in games with the teams just above them. Also for 2020 (covid virus season) teams will be given 3 weeks to get there final playoff roster in, after that players can be added but not eligible for the playoffs. The teams that started Sept 6 or Sept 13 have only two weeks to get their roster finalized for the playoffs. 



In game international tiebreaker rule – In the playoffs this is not used until the 10th inning.

Players will qualify for the playoffs in the following way: 

They must be on the roster and waiver by the required date. If a player plays in 5 games to 40% of your teams games they can play in only every other playoff game starting with the first playoff game. If a player plays in 40% or more of your regular season games they are eligible for every playoff game. Also in the Fall Lg – You must play in at Least 4 of your team games to qualify for the playoffs unless your team has played 8 or less games than the number above is the only rule that applies. Pitchers will be eligible to pitch in the playoffs by following what is written in Rule 16. 

If a player is thrown out of a game for any reason they must sit out the next game. Exception – If a player physically touches or attacks another player, a fan or an umpire they cannot play again that day and cannot play again until we have the proper hearing. This hearing will take place within 20 days of it being reported to the league office. 

If a team forfeits a game during the regular season the manager and assistant manager must sit out (starting with their first playoff game) an equal amount of playoff games. On Sunday morning the playoff are usually 2 of 3 in one day. We can not give days off during the Sunday Morning Playoffs because each round depends on the last round results. Sometimes a team will earn a BYE and not be scheduled for one weekend. FALL – Sunday morning is a double elimination playoff (Not a double elimination Tournament (The first two games are set) than teams with less than two loses continue. Weeknight Playoffs – We try to play at least a round per week – sometimes the first or first and second rounds can take more than one week because all the teams are involved with Major – AA – A – B – C and sometimes D playoffs going at the same time. Playoff days are Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. and we may even use Fridays in the playoffs. You can pick one bad day a week* but must let the league know that day at least 8 days before the start of the next week’s games (The week games always start on a Monday) and may have to play any other day that week. Also during the playoffs games can be given with as little as 1 days notice. Fall league – Teams can not pick a bad day, we do not have enough days to complete the playoffs. Also in fall weeknight playoffs games can be given with as little as 1 days notice. Fall Weeknight Lg. is a double elimination playoff (Not a double elimination Tournament) (The first two games are set) than teams with less than two loses continue. 

- Weeknight Summer Playoffs – If a series ends during a week you do not get to pick a second bad day that week because you are starting a new series. Remember rain can affect all games. (In the fall weeknight league you can not pick any bad days or bad times during the playoffs because of time restrictions) - 

Note on league fee dates:

Payment dates must be met according to the rules otherwise games will be canceled and not rescheduled according to the rules. All payments are not refundable for any reason even if a team is kicked out of the league. If you team misses a payment date by over a week there is a $50 late fee per date missed. 

Payment dates: Total Paid 

Summer Leagues 

1st payment – $750 by March 12 - $750 

2nd payment – $750 by April 15 - $1500 

3rd payment – $750 by May 10 — $2250 

Final payment – amount depends on league by June 1 - paid in full 

Fall Leagues 

1st payment – $750 by Aug. 28 - $750 

2nd payment – $750 by Sept. 14 - $1500 

Final payment amount depends on league by Oct. 1 — paid in full 


Below you will see a list of pitchers rated Major and AA This list is not complete or final A mistake in the name or spelling does not mean the pitcher is not rated Major or AA A Major pitcher can only pitch in the Major playoffs and a AA Pitcher can only pitch in the Major or AA Division Playoffs Major and AA Pitchers and all pitchers are rated on 1 – How fast they pitch – if they are capable of pitching over 64 mph they are automatically rated Major or AA. 2 – How many runs they allow compared to other pitchers 3 – If they throw illegal and what advantage this gives them 4 – How many players they strike out compared to other pitchers No pitcher can pitch in playoffs below what they are rated One of the way we rate is pitching speed A Pitcher that can pitch over 64 MPH can only pitch Major or AA Playoffs A Pitcher that can pitch over 55 MPH can only pitch Major, AA or A Playoffs A pitcher that can pitch over 50 MPH can only pitch Major, AA, A or B Playoffs A pitcher that can pitch over 46 MPH can only pitch Major, AA, A, B or C Playoffs Pitchers that pitch Below 46 MPH can pitch in any playoffs If the following pitchers pitch in the Sunday Morning League / or in the Weeknight League (in the A, B, C or D playoffs the game is a forfeit). In the Fall Wk Lg major pitchers can only pitch in Major (B&S) Games For 2012 no major pitcher can pitch in the fall Sunday Morning League 

For 2012 Fall all Pitchers are eligible to pitch all Pitchers will be reclassified If you use a pitcher even for 1 pitch that is still good enough to be rated Major or that is illegal you must play in the Major Playoffs If you do not understand call me with questions before you use one of these pitchers 

Below is a partial List I know I have left many pitchers off and The League President can add names at any time even during a season 

Pitchers will be reclassified each year with the exception of Pitchers pitching over 60 MPH will be only allowed in Major or AA Playoffs Qualifying Pitchers Based on: 1 – Speed you hit on the Radar Gun 2 – Average Runs a pitcher givers up I will Throw out there worst game and best game when I figure the Average 3 – A Pitchers control 4* – How many teams I have in the League and what gives each team a chance to compete in a Least one division 

This is the least important and sometimes can not be satisfied.